Tennis Clinics

Check our schedule for the start dates for Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Early Fall, and Late Fall seasons. Our tennis clinics fill up fast, so don’t wait to get enrolled.

Clinic Seasons Schedule:

2024 Early Fall: Sep 3 – Oct 27 (No Clinics Fri 10/11 after 2:30pm, Sat 10/12, Sun 10/12)
2024 Late Fall: Oct 28 – Dec 22 (No Clinics on Thu 11/28, Fri 12/6 after 12pm, Sat 12/6, Sun 12/7)
2025 Winter: Jan 6 – Mar 2 (No Clinics on Sat 2/15, Sun 2/16)
2025 Early Spring: Mar 3 – Apr 27 (No Clinics on Sun 4/20, Yes clinics are held during school spring break)
2025 Late Spring: Apr 28 – Jun 22 (No Clinics on Sun 5/25, Mon 5/26)
2025 Summer: Jun 30- Aug 24 (No Clinics on Fri 7/4, Fri 8/8 after 12pm, Sat 8/9, Sun 8/10)

Tennis Clinics 2024-2025

TENNIS SKILLS in every Clinic

  • Character Development: Listens, Responds, Cooperates. Tennis etiquette includes good sportsmanship, respect, and fair play.
  • Transition & Net Skills – Volley Skills: Motion and Grip. Movement from ready step with proper form
  • Athletic Skills: Agility, Balance, and Coordination
  • Racquet Skills: Hand-eye and racquet-eye, correct grips, overall racquet control
  • Serve & Return Skills: Underhand and Overhand into correct box in proper position. Grip and court position.
  • Gaming Skills: Court lines and correct position to start the point
  • Rally Skills: Sending and receiving the ball

Clinics are open to both Members and Non-Members.

Whether you want to learn tennis, knock the rust off, or improve your ranking, you will receive plenty of personalized feedback, attention and hitting time in these small group tennis lessons. Tennis Clinics are a great way to see real improvement with professional instruction — at a fraction of the cost of private sessions. Develop your skills, build your knowledge and confidence, and see your game grow.

NOTE: To register for intermediate or advanced tennis clinics you must have taken a BTTC clinic, have a USTA National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) rating, or be approved by a BTTC Tennis Pro. Still need a rating? Sign up for a 30-minute Placement Lesson so our Pro can give you a Club rating and make sure you are in the appropriate level of tennis clinic and events.

Placement Lesson

Schedule a “Tennis Placement Lesson” for the easiest and fastest way to understand your player level. In this 30-minute lesson and hitting session, your Pro uses a variety of drills and assessments in order to evaluate your level of play. This will give you the confidence to enter into our programs at the correct level and/or to seek matches with others at your estimated NTRP.

For juniors and adults: if you’ve never participated in tennis clinics at our club and do not currently hold an NTRP rating, you are required to take a Tennis Placement Lesson in order to qualify for our intermediate and advanced programming.

CALL THE CLUB AT 360-733-5050 or email [email protected] to schedule your Placement Appointment.

Junior Tennis Clinics

3 Tracks System – WHY? – Make it easy to sign up and allows for students to progress as they age and develop skills.
Beginner – Tots, Red, Orange
Intermediate – Green Ball, Middle School 1 & 2, High School 1
Advanced Track – Highschool 2 & 3, Jett 1, 2, 3

Things that Apply to All Clinics

  • Bring good, clean shoes
  • Provided with rackets
  • The ABC’S of Movement
  • Our Coaching Philosophy at BTTC
  • Intermediate and Advanced Track Classes:
  • These classes have prerequisites. Either you have followed the pathway of our
    clinics or a BTTC pro approved of the clinic of your desire. If you are new to our
    Club, you must have BTTC Coach approval or schedule a 30-minute private
    tennis lesson to determine class placement for the intermediate and advanced


Stage 1 – Family Fun Tennis for Tots

Target Ages & Experience Level: Ages 4 -5 with No Tennis Experience

*Parent / Guardian must participate with child for entirety of class*

Class Description:

  • Designed for the young child who wants to explore learning tennis.
  • Focus on the ABC’s of Movement, Hand-eye coordination and racket handling skills
  • Learning the basic tennis terminology

Class Expectations:

  • The player can listen, follow basic directions and participate in a group setting
  • Parent / Guardian must participate with child for entirety of class
  • Both participations dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

Stage 2 – Red Ball

Target Ages & Experience Level: Ages 5 with Tennis Experience (Moving up from Tennis for Tots) Ages 5-7 with No Tennis Experience.

Designed for young children who want to explore learning tennis. The coaches will focus

  • Focus on the ABC’s of Movement, Hand-eye coordination and racket handling skills
  • Learning the basic terminology and a love for tennis practice
  • Practicing groundstrokes & volleys while building Pre-Rally skills

Class Expectations:

  • The player can listen, follow basic directions and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

Stage 3 – Orange Ball

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Ages 7-8 with Tennis Experience (Moving up from Stage 2 Red Ball)
Ages 8-11 with No Tennis Experience


  • Designed for elementary age children who want to begin learning tennis. Coaches will focus on:
  • The ABC’s of Movement and racket handling skills.
  • The basic terminology of tennis and the layout of the court.
  • Practicing groundstrokes, volleys, and serves while Building Pre-Rally skills.

(Read more on our Coaching Philosophy)

Designed for elementary age children who want to begin learning tennis. The coaches will focus on the ABC’s of Movement and racket handling skills. Students will learn the basic terminology of tennis and the layout of the court. Coaches will teach practice groundstrokes, volleys, and serves while Building Pre-Rally skills. (Read more on our Coaching Philosophy)

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 23” or 25” junior tennis racket (BTTC have demo rackets available)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)


Track – 1 – Green Ball

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Age 7 8 with Tennis Experience (Moving from Orange Ball)
Ages 8-11 with No Tennis Experience

Class Description:

  • Designed for elementary age children who want to begin learning tennis. Coaches will focus on:
  • The ABC’s of Movement, racket handling skills and grips
  • Practicing topspin groundstrokes & volleys in a cooperative rally setting.
  • Teaching proper serve grip and technical skills
  • Layout of the court & Introduction to competitive point play

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 23” or 25” junior tennis racket (BTTC have demo rackets available)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

Beginner/Low Intermediate Track – Middle School 1

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Age 11- 12 with Tennis Experience (at BTTC)
Ages 13 – 15 with No Tennis Experience

Class Description:

  • Designed for Middle School age children who want to learn to play tennis. Coaches will focus on:
  • The ABC’s of Movement, racket handling skills and grips
  • Practicing groundstrokes & volleys in a cooperative rally setting.
  • Teaching proper serve grip and technical skills
  • Layout of the court & Introduction to competitive point play

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 27” full size tennis racket (BTTC have demo rackets available)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

Beginner/ Low Intermediate Track – Stage 5 – High School 1

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Ages 14-18 with No Tennis Experience
*Seeking to play high school tennis for the first time.

Class Description:

  • Designed for High School students who want to learn to play tennis. Coaches will focus on:
  • The ABC’s of Movement, racket handling skills and grips
  • Practicing groundstrokes & volleys in a cooperative rally setting.
  • Teaching proper serve grip and technical skills
  • introduction to competitive point play, Layout of the court & Scoring

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 27” full size tennis racket (BTTC have demo rackets available)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

8I Intermediate Track – High School 2 (JV)

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Age 13-18 with Tennis Experience (Moving from Middle School 2 or High School 1)

Class Description:

  • Designed for High School students who want to improve their tennis skills. Coaches will focus on:
  • The ABC’s of Movement, racket handling skills and grips
  • Practicing topspin groundstrokes & volleys with directional control.
  • Teaching proper serve grip and technical skills
  • Introduction to basic and advanced doubles strategy

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 27” full size tennis racket (BTTC will provide rackets)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

This High School 2 JV Mixed Tennis Clinic is for high school junior varsity level players that have moved up from Beginner High School 1 or Intermediate Yellow Ball or has playing experience at the junior varsity level. Students will continue to refine stroke fundamentals and focus work on specialty shots and game strategy. Athletic fitness and mental toughness with positive mindset is a key part of training at this level. Students are encouraged to play competitive tournaments.

Advanced Track

High School 3 (Varsity)

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Age 14- 18 with Tennis Experience (Moving from Middle School 2 or High School 2)
*Pre-Requisite to be actively trying to make high school varsity team

Class Description:

  • Designed for High School students who compete and want to develop into strong tennis players.
  • Coaches will focus on:

  • The ABC’s of Movement, Open and Closed Hitting Stances and racket skills
  • Practicing topspin and backspin groundstrokes with directional control.
  • Teaching proper serve grip and technical skills for power
  • Practicing advanced doubles strategy & Net Play

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 27” full size tennis racket (BTTC have demo rackets available)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

JD1 JETT 1 (12 & Under)

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Ages 8-12 with Tennis Experience
*And BTTC Pro Approval through online Application

Class Description:

  • Designed for Elementary students who want to develop into strong tennis players and compete.
  • Coaches will focus on:

  • The ABC’s of Movement, racket handling skills and grips
  • Practicing topspin groundstrokes & volleys with directional control.
  • Teaching proper serve grip and technical skills
  • Introduction to basic and advanced doubles strategy

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 27” full size tennis racket (BTTC have demo rackets available)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

JETT 2 (15 and Under)

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Ages 12-15 with Tennis Experience (From Middle School 2 or Jett 1)
*And BTTC Pro Approval through online Application

Class Description:

  • Designed for Middle School students who compete and want to develop into strong tennis players.
  • Coaches will focus on:

  • The ABC’s of Movement, Open and Closed Hitting Stances and racket skills
  • Practicing topspin and backspin groundstrokes with directional control.
  • Teaching proper serve grip and technical skills for power
  • Practicing advanced doubles strategy & Net Play

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 27” full size tennis racket (BTTC have demo rackets available)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

JETT 3 (18 and Under)

Target Ages & Experience Level:
Ages 14 – 18 with Tennis Experience (From High School 3 or Jett 2)
*And BTTC Pro Approval through online Application

Class Description:

  • Designed for High School students who compete and want to develop into strong tennis players.
  • Coaches will focus on:

  • The ABC’s of Movement, Open and Closed Hitting Stances and racket skills
  • Practicing topspin and backspin groundstrokes with directional control.
  • Teaching proper serve grip and technical skills for power
  • Practicing advanced doubles strategy & Net Play

Class Expectations:

  • Player use a 27” full size tennis racket (BTTC have demo rackets available)
  • Players are expected to listen, be willing to try and participate in a group setting
  • Dressed appropriately for tennis activity (shoes)

Adult Tennis Clinics

Whether you are an absolute beginner or a seasoned player, working with one of our certified Tennis Pros in our group lessons will help you improve your game while you are having fun on the court. 

If you are new to our Club and do not have an NTRP rating, you must have BTTC Coach approval or schedule a 30-minute private tennis lesson to determine class placement for the intermediate and advanced clinics.

TCA1 Adult 1- Beginner or “Refresher”

Are you ready to learn how to play tennis? Or maybe played a while back and want to see if you like it now?

Our experienced coaches will show you the basics, so you have confidence when you hit the courts! This 8-week clinic is a great way to start playing tennis so you learn good habits, not bad ones. 

During this program you will learn good form, how to score the game, with an introduction to the basic strokes (forehand, backhand, serves, volleys, and overheads.)

This clinic is specifically for those just starting tennis or haven’t held a racquet for some time. See how much fun tennis can be!

Level: Beginner, no pre-requisites.

TCA2 Adult 2 (NTRP 2.5 – 3.0)

The NTRP (National Tennis Rating Program) 2.5-3.0 Level clinics will cover techniques and fundamentals for the high-level beginning player who is eager to improve their game and make steady progress along the way. All the essential strokes will be covered along with basic strategy and game play. Players will also learn grip variations and when to use them.

Drills, organized play, and personal instruction will get the new player ready to enjoy the game for a lifetime. The goal for every 2.5-3.0 player to rally for 4-6 times with a peer at a slow to medium pace.

It’s time to play!

Level: Beginner-Intermediate, Advancing from Adult 1 or be able to hold a 10-12 rally with other players of your skill level and know how to score the game.

TCA3 Adult 3 (NTRP 3.0-3.5)

Our Adult 3 Tennis Clinic is for the intermediate level player who is looking to add variety to their game. The emphasis will be on adding spins to your groundstroke and serves, advanced strategy, and incorporating fitness to improve stamina on the court. Be ready to work when you sign up for this clinic.

Level: Intermediate, moving up from Adult 2 with BTTC Coach approval or holds and NTRP rating of 3.0-3.5.

TCA3.5 Adult 3.5 (NTRP 3.5 or higher)

This clinic is for the intermediate to advanced player holding an NTRP 3.5 or higher rating who wants to add more variety to their game along with speed and accuracy in their shots. Footwork and fitness will be a big part of this clinic so be ready to work toward your goal of becoming a better tennis player.

Level: Intermediate-Advanced, moving up from Adult 3 with BTTC Coach approval or holds and NTRP rating of 3.5 or higher.

TCA3.5 Adult 3.5 (NTRP 3.5 or higher)

This clinic is for the intermediate to advanced player holding an NTRP 3.5 or higher rating who wants to add more variety to their game along with speed and accuracy in their shots. Footwork and fitness will be a big part of this clinic so be ready to work toward your goal of becoming a better tennis player.

Level: Intermediate-Advanced, moving up from Adult 3 with BTTC Coach approval or holds and NTRP rating of 3.5 or higher.

TCA4 Adult 4 Speed & Strategy (NTRP 4.0 or higher)

Must be NTRP 4.0+ or invited by one of our BTTC Coaches. Be prepared to move! This clinic is for 4.0+ players who understand that moving your feet while hitting a beautiful tennis shot takes practice. Strategy is discussed and applied in the drills for both singles and doubles play.

Level: Advanced, moving up from Adult 3.5 with BTTC Coach approval or holds and NTRP rating of 4.0 or higher.

Adult and JR Tennis Programs

Find a tennis program just right for you.